Top tips to improve your mental wellbeing

Staying on top of our mental wellbeing is good for us and over time, it can also reduce our risk of physical health problems. As we come to the end of Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19 May 2024) we thought it would be good to share some of the things we do to look after our mental health and wellbeing...

  1. Reframe unhelpful thoughts

The way we think is important and there are techniques to help you to become more of a glass half full rather than half empty sort of person. The Answer a book by Allan and Barbara Pease is about how positive thinking can change your life.    

  1. Meditation

Mindfulness, meditation and even cold water therapy can help you to be in the present. If you are feeling stressed 20 minutes of meditative breathing can bring your pulse rate back down making you feel calmer.

  1. Try to get a good sleep

Good-quality sleep makes a big difference to how we feel, so it's important to get enough.  Yoga and meditation helps us achieve better sleep by calming the mind and body.

  1. Connecting with others

Spending quality time with friends and family and taking time to talk about your worries can help. A weekend away in a new environment can be hugely uplifting, especially in the winter months when we are more likely to feel isolated by staying indoors.  Check our availability at Seafern Cottage for a long weekends this autumn/winter.

  1. Spend more time outdoors

Being active, enjoying the outdoors and having a healthy diet all impact how we feel. Finding somewhere with a far reaching views, that allows our mind to wander freely can be incredibly therapeutic. Joining a guided walk really lifts our spirits. Try Large Outdoors.

  1. Do something for yourself

Try learning a new skill.  There is a huge sense of satisfaction to be gained from learning a new craft and making something and if it’s in a group environment then there’s bound to be plenty of chat and encouragement along the way.

For more on mental health visit the NHS website Every Mind Matters page.


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