Rock Pooling at Robin Hood's Bay

How to go Rock pooling at Robin Hood’s Bay…

Going rock pooling is a great way to see a wide range of creatures that live in the sea.

Equipment you will need
• ID guide - either a pocket guide or a website
• A bucket - preferable clear or white so that you can see your finds
• Protective gloves – if you plan in lifting any rocks
• sturdy footwear - rocks can be slippery and sharp – surf shoes or wellies
Check tide times. The rock pools exposed at low tides have a wider variety of organisms living in them. But watch out for when the tide turns and don't get cut off.

What to do
Approach a pool quietly without casting a shadow over it. Creatures could think you are a predator and will hide. Observe carefully what you can see in the pool and on surrounding rocks. You can reach in and turn over a stone, to see what is hiding underneath.
If you catch anything in your net you can transfer it into your bucket, take photos and identify it with a fsc guide.
Once you've finished studying your specimens, return them carefully to the pool by re-submerging your bucket. Don't leave them in the bucket for too long, as they can get stressed.
Rock pool inhabitants
Some things that you might find include:
• Starfish
• Crab
• Lobster
• Fish


Please let us know in the comments box, we’d love to know.
The main picture is Ben when he found a MASSIVE fish whilst rock pooling with the kids at Robin Hood’s Bay (I promise you the kids were there, just not in the picture). The look of sheer delight on his face at having found such a huge fish in a rock pool never fails to bring a smile to my face.  This moment of pure joy is one of many moments that have had us returning to Robin Hoods Bay year after year. In our busy lives we rarely make time to immerse ourselves in the sights and sounds of nature yet it can be incredibly beneficial to combat stress and anxiety.

Come stay with us and give someone you love the 'look of sheer delight' rockpooling at Sea Fern Cottage


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