Visiting the seals at The Yorkshire Coast

Visiting Seals Responsibly

Until fairly recently, it was a well kept secret just how many seals, whales, porpoise and dolphins are right on our doorstep at the Yorkshire coast.

From June until October, white-beaked dolphins and minke whales follow the shoals of North Sea mackerel and herring swimming south from the Arctic and make a spectacular sight. You can join Yorkshire Coast Nature, at Staithes, on a 3 hour boat trip in search of these amazing sea creatures.

Both common and grey seal colonies are thriving beneath the cliffs at Ravenscar. You've a very good chance of seeing common seal pups in June and July, while grey seals come ashore to pup in November.

HOWEVER, Please take care not to disturb these colonies, we want them to stay at the yorkshire coast for future generations to enjoy.  Before, planning your visit please read the information from Yorkshire Seals

Please give wildlife space! It is normal for seals to rest on land, so we need to leave them there. Disturbance is damaging for a seal because causes stress and can waste energy reserves if they feel they need to flee into the sea. Dogs should not be taken near them.

If you have read the Yorkshire seals advice and want to visit the seals responsibly, don't forget to check tide times. From the National Trust shop, you'll see a rocky track heading down onto Ravenhall Golf Course. A couple of hundred meters down the track you'll see a wooden signpost directing you down across the grass towards the cliff edge.  Follow the path all the way down to the beach.

Alternatively, you can see the seals at Flamborough, home to the largest mainland seabird colony in the UK, where you're nearly 100% guaranteed to see gannets, puffins, kittiwakes and razorbills during the breeding season at the RSPB reserve at Bempton and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust reserve at Flamborough. From April to August more than 400,000 birds bring the cliffs alive and the skies are filled with puffins, gannets and guillemots.

For more information on local wildlife, check out the National Park website:

We have a few sets of binocculars in the sidebaord at Sea Fern Cottage to ensure you are able to see the seals from a safe distance when you stay with us.



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