The clocks go back on 29th October and the nights will be properly dark without having to stay up too late.  Around this time the Milky Way is overhead in the evening, resembling a shimmering river of stars. Also, meteor showers like the Leonids can put a good show on in November.

The North York Moors is an International Dark Sky Reserve, awarded by the International Dark-Sky Association making it a great place for star gazing. To celebrate the North York Moors organise all manner of events during October including some fabulous night walks along the coast and star gazing with experts.  You can learn how to navigate the night sky and identify contellations with experienced astronomers who's passion for the night skies is bound to be infectious! We recommend these events for budding astronomers 

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Saturday 28th Oct 2023 - Star Gazing at Dalby Forest Join the iconic Astro Dog team for 2 hours of stargazing in Dalby Forest. Also available on the 28,29,30,31 of October and 2 and 4 of November.

We like the sound of these moonlit walks at Robin Hood’s Bay.  Night walking is a wonderful mood booster and can help combat winter blues and make you feel exhilarated. This is because your primary sense - sight - takes a back seat while all your other senses come alive. Take a coastal walk and you will hear the rhythmical sound of waves on the shore more keenly; smell salty sea air and feel the breeze against your skin.  Walking with a guide you will learn more about the earth, stars and planets and a little bit about the geology of this coastline too. If this sounds right up your galaxy then be sure to book via the links early, because places are limited on the following dates.

7.30 – 10.30 pm Saturday 28th October - Moonlit Coastal Walk

6.15 – 9.15 pm Saturday 11th November - Coastal Night walk and Stargazing

Why not extend your experience by booking a dark skies friendly accommodation like Sea Fern Cottage. The garden is wonderfully enclosed and dark, plus we provide garden chairs and blankets for use on the patio until the end of November.  Guests have access to our binoculars, star charts and free Wi-Fi, so that you can use apps like Stellarium on a smart phone to identify and locate constellations.  The picture below was taken using the Stellarium app and we think it's a great way to bring the night sky to life and teach children how the constellations got their names.  

Mention 'star gazing' in your enquiry and we will reply with our top tips for things to do to make the most of your dark skies adventure.

               Stellarium mobile app Leo Constellation

Image with thanks to Robin Hoods Bay walks


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